An appreciation of Alias, by TCH

On the heels of the well-loved, (by a dozen or so) Angel Odyssey:
This new venture aims to add a little to any viewer's understanding of or delight in 'Alias',
without any claim towards insider knowledge or even more than one viewing of each episode
Alias resumes in the autumn

Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four

Word Count:
Season One: 22,404
Season Two: 22,378 (oooh, consistency!)

These reviews/analyses/whatever I'm calling them at the moment were originally posted on the greatest discussion board in the world. It in turn runs in parallel with a Mass Hyperlinked, Philosophical Dissertation on Buffy and Angel, written by Masquerade the Philosopher. The people on the board, are those who gave me the confidence to write at such length. Both the greatest fun you can have without any aspect of cricket.

I don't own anything much- certainly not any of these characters- they'd be owned by J J Abrams, Bad Robot and the ABC. Any copyright infringement is not intentional- and frankly it's only going to get more people to watch Alias anyway, so it's good- right? Are you supposed to rationalise in Disclaimers? And can you get away wth copying and pasting?

Please do send any feedback on the site, postive or negative, to me at [email protected]